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Frequently Asked Questions
When will you have babies for sale?
A: Northern babies generally come first in late May and early June. Irian Jaya babies arrive late June through mid August. Once babies are born, they are held for health and safety until their first or second sheds.
Is there a wait list or can I put a deposit down during the off-season (October ~ April)?
A: Dave’s Skinks aims to under promise and over deliver, but we always listen to our clientele. There will be an email notification sign up coming soon.
How much do your skinks usually go for?
A: Irian Jaya babies are between $275-$300. Classic Northerns start at $325 and go up from there based on specialty genetics, beauty, and other factors.
I have so many questions about Blue Tongue Skinks, where do I start?
A: If you are looking for an education on husbandry, there is no better place to start than the Dave’s Skinks Care Section. If you want to know how purchasing and shipping works. Everything you need to know about purchasing & shipping can be found in the Purchase Rules Section. After you make your purchase, I will be happy to provide general support and advice for the duration of your skink companionship.
I’m really interested in certain genetic morphs. Do you have that information?
A: All pertinent information is on the Dave’s Skinks Meet the Skinks page
Do you accept trades?
A: I am always interested in acquiring Blue Tongues that align with my breeding projects. For Northerns, that means specialty morphs featuring high orange with an absence of their traditional dark side bands. For Irian Jayas, size does matter. I want to produce GIANT Blue Tongues. So adult Jayas 25+ Inches and 900+ grams and bigger. The prospects of other Australian Blue Tongue species also intrigue me, particularly Centralians (Tiliqua Multifasciata) and Shinglebacks (Tiliqua Rugosa).
What is better, a Northern or Irian Jaya?
A: It all comes down to personal preference, and your budget. There is virtually no difference in care, affection, temperament or size.
I see these initials CBB, CB, WC, appearing online. What do they mean?
A: CBB = Captive Born and Bred, meaning both parents were born and raised in captivity, as was their offspring.
CB = Captive Born, meaning the mother was collected from the wild, already pregnant and gave birth in captivity. The babies still stand a 50/50 chance of being born sick or showing signs of parasites like any bluey captured in the wild and shipped hastily overseas.
WC = Wild Caught. This can mean caught directly from the wild or raised in outdoor farms in Indonesia. Either type of Wild Caught stands the same chance of coming in sick and having a feral personality its whole life in captivity.