GJ Litter (GJ – 05) (On Hold)
TItle: GJ Litter
Mom: Hermione Granger, classic,in light classic phase showing a reduction in the traditional dark side bands, produced by Little Fires Gecko House with 50% genetics from Captive Bred Excellence
Dad: Jasper, 87.5% Sunrise x 12.5% Red, produced by Dave’s Skinks from parents Goldilocks and Charlie Manson
Species: Half Specialty Morph/Half Classic Northern, (Tiliqua scincoides intermedia)
Genetics: 50% Classic x 43.75% Sunrise x 6.25% Red
DOB: 05/18/2024
- Really easy-going baby.
- A little bit of extra yellow tints.
- Nice reduction in dark side banding
- Bit of an explorer personality
GJ Litter (GJ – 11)
TItle: GJ Litter
Mom: Hermione Granger, classic,in light classic phase showing a reduction in the traditional dark side bands, produced by Little Fires Gecko House with 50% genetics from Captive Bred Excellence
Dad: Jasper, 87.5% Sunrise x 12.5% Red, produced by Dave’s Skinks from parents Goldilocks and Charlie Manson
Species: Half Specialty Morph/Half Classic Northern, (Tiliqua scincoides intermedia)
Genetics: 50% Classic x 43.75% Sunrise x 6.25% Red
DOB: 05/18/2024
- Little bit of a split personality with this one. It’s really docile and calm. Will totally let you just hold it and chill with you. But then as soon as it hears something or sees something suddenly. It’s on high alert and easily startled.
- Really enjoys sunbathing
- Features this Rich, deep, rusty orange tone throughout the body
- A little bit of extra yellow within the spine bars
- Has this white iridescence going against the grain of the scales
JJ Litter (JJ – 07)
TItle: JJ Litter
Mom: Gladys, cream-light phase Irian Jaya from an unknown Florida breeder
Dad: George, Red Irian Jaya produced by Thunder Bay Herps
Species: CBB Irian Jaya Blue-Tongued Skink, (Tiliqua sp.)
DOB: 05/24/2024
- Nice, rusty red stripes across body that have a semi darker toned pinstriping on some of the banding
- One of the spine bars creates this cute circle in the center
- This baby likes to be kept warm. Is easy to work with one warm.
- Also seems to have these slightly darker toned scales towards the back of its head
LE Litter (LE – 03)
TItle: LE Litter
Mom: Logan, 50/50 Red x F2 Magma from James Fenn
Dad: Jasper, 87.5% Sunrise x 12.5% Red, produced by Dave’s Skinks from parents Goldilocks and Charlie Manson
Species: Specialty Morph Northern, (Tiliqua scincoides intermedia)
Genetics: 43.75% Sunrise x 31.25% Red x 25% F2 Magma
DOB: 06/16/2024
- Really nice coloration on this baby. Almost a pinkish-orange.
- Easy to hold, handle, and play with
- Smaller, dark side bands coming through
- A little awkward with the icon contact. It will look at your face, but not in the direct eye so much, lol.
- Good even Orange tones coming through the spine bars
- I really like the banding that’s happening across the tail
- Sturdy baby that’s got some real weight to it. I expected to be an above average size adult.
LE Litter (LE – 04)
TItle: LE Litter
Mom: Logan, 50/50 Red x F2 Magma from James Fenn
Dad: Jasper, 87.5% Sunrise x 12.5% Red, produced by Dave’s Skinks from parents Goldilocks and Charlie Manson
Species: Specialty Morph Northern, (Tiliqua scincoides intermedia)
Genetics: 43.75% Sunrise x 31.25% Red x 25% F2 Magma
DOB: 06/16/2024
- This one is all about the eye contact and tongue flickers.
- A nice vibrant, light orange body.
- Good orange color coming through the spine bars.
- This one was starting to get picked on by its siblings. It makes a much better human companion than lizard-mate.
- Good reduced dark side banding
- A strong muscular baby that seems to only hang on with his back legs while you hold it
LE Litter (LE – 05)
TItle: LE Litter
Mom: Logan, 50/50 Red x F2 Magma from James Fenn
Dad: Jasper, 87.5% Sunrise x 12.5% Red, produced by Dave’s Skinks from parents Goldilocks and Charlie Manson
Species: Specialty Morph Northern, (Tiliqua scincoides intermedia)
Genetics: 43.75% Sunrise x 31.25% Red x 25% F2 Magma
DOB: 06/16/2024
- Really nice flame-orange color
- Super strong vibrancy that I anticipate will continually get more orange/red with age
- Nice reduced dark side, banding way for more color, though there are still hints of visibility
- Bit of an explorer personality until multiple consecutive minutes, then it seems to settle down in your hand
- Really enjoy handling this one. This baby could just stare at you all day.
- Light red tones in the arms.
LE Litter (LE – 06)
TItle: LE Litter
Mom: Logan, 50/50 Red x F2 Magma from James Fenn
Dad: Jasper, 87.5% Sunrise x 12.5% Red, produced by Dave’s Skinks from parents Goldilocks and Charlie Manson
Species: Specialty Morph Northern, (Tiliqua scincoides intermedia)
Genetics: 43.75% Sunrise x 31.25% Red x 25% F2 Magma
DOB: 06/16/2024
- Not the runt of the litter but the next smallest awaiting to hit its growth spurt
- Really easy Skink to hold, handle, move, and just mess with a little bit
- Some of the best red tones in the face and front forearms for the entire litter
- Good White speckled scales
- Nice reduced dark side banding
- Unique, dark coloration on the sides of the neck
- Good orange lined scales on the belly
LE Litter (LE – 08) (On Hold)
TItle: LE Litter
Mom: Logan, 50/50 Red x F2 Magma from James Fenn
Dad: Jasper, 87.5% Sunrise x 12.5% Red, produced by Dave’s Skinks from parents Goldilocks and Charlie Manson
Species: Specialty Morph Northern, (Tiliqua scincoides intermedia)
Genetics: 43.75% Sunrise x 31.25% Red x 25% F2 Magma
DOB: 06/16/2024
- Super mellow baby. Absolutely easy to work with.
- Really just wants to chill with you. From what I’ve seen, the closest to a Bearded Dragon personality.
- Really strong peach coloration
- Decent white speckles
- Faded traditional side banding
- One of the larger babies for sure
- Light red tones in the back legs
LE Litter (LE – 12)
TItle: LE Litter
Mom: Logan, 50/50 Red x F2 Magma from James Fenn
Dad: Jasper, 87.5% Sunrise x 12.5% Red, produced by Dave’s Skinks from parents Goldilocks and Charlie Manson
Species: Specialty Morph Northern, (Tiliqua scincoides intermedia)
Genetics: 43.75% Sunrise x 31.25% Red x 25% F2 Magma
DOB: 06/16/2024
- Suspected female
- Just a little bit more huffy and puffy than the rest, but still really easy to work with. The more time you put into her, the greater bond you two will share.
- A bit more standardized coloration
- Lighter tones, peach tones a little bit of faded, dark side bands
- Extra chubby
- Can only hold the eye contact for so long